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Pieta Amber Flag 2023/24

We are delighted once again to have been awarded the Pieta Amber Flag for our school in 2024.

In order to promote positive mental health and wellbeing at Inver N.S, we have been taking part in the Amber Flag initiative since 2020.


Being an Amber Flag school involves the whole school community coming together in order to create a safe, positive and healthy attitude towards our general physical and mental health and well-being.

As part of this initiative, we organised lots of enjoyable activities throughout the year including a Mindfulness Workshop, Wellbeing nature walks, lessons and artwork.

Our Wellbeing/Mental Health week was held in February incorporating activities that promoted positive relationships, healthy eating, physical activity and mindfulness.

The children have benefited hugely by being involved in this great initiative and are very proud of the role they have played in promoting mental health and wellbeing, creating a healthy and inclusive environment within our school and supporting the very important work of Pieta.


Picker Pals

The junior room signed up to Picker Pals at the beginning of the school year. Picker Pals provides motivation and tools for children, teachers and families to create a better environment for our shared future. 

The children have been busy out picking litter throughout the year. We really enjoyed the live zoom monthly meetings along with the six episodes of Picker Pals. The children enjoyed getting to draw some of the characters in the step to step videos along with the kahoot quizes. Picker Pals has been a great success with the children.



Discovery Science Award

We are proud to say that we have been awarded an SFI Curious Minds Gold Award for our work in STEM throughout the 2022/2023 academic year. We also received the award for the 2021/2022 school year. 

In order to achieve this award we were required to provide a log of evidence of children's engagement with STEM in the following areas:

1. Science

2. Technology

3. Engineering

4. Maths

5. STEM Showcase

As well as taking part in hands-on investigations throughout the year the children took part in four main weeks during the year: Science Week, EU Week of Code, Engineering Week and Maths Week. 

Science Week 

Science Week took place in November. The children took part in lots of hands-on investigations using the Curious Minds Science Week resources. The children worked in groups to design and make a moon buggy. They planned their designs, made the buggy and then evaluated their designs. They also learned about teeth and the importance of a healthy diet. The finished the week by designing and making bug hotels

Coding Week

The children had great fun taking part in an Hour of Code challenge during EU Code Week. They also took part in some Scratch activities and the Senior pupils completed a programme of coding lessons using the Robotify software on their chromebooks.


Engineers Week

Engineers Week took place in March. The children learned all about the importance of engineers for our society and the many different types of engineers that exist. They learned lots about how important engineers are for the production of renewable energy, specifically wind energy. They made their own windmills and then worked in groups to design and make their wind-powered cars. This also tied in with our ongoing work on our Green Flag Energy theme.  


The Senior pupils then presented their work to the junior room 

and tested their designs for their wind powered cars 



We were delighted to have one of our parent - Fredrick Henderson, join us during this week to talk to the children about their career as an engineer. They loved hearing all about his many achievements in engineering and learning about the many different aspects of his job.

Maths Week

Maths Week took place in October. The children took part in lots of different ‘maths-themed’ lessons. They played board games, role-plays at the shop and even measured the ingredients to make milkshakes. They also completed Maths Trails and Maths Eyes challenges.


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